General terms and conditions of the Hotel Gutenberg on Sylt
- Conclusion of contract
- The guest accommodation contract is deemed to have been concluded when the provision of a room has been ordered by the guest and confirmed by the hotel. Both the oral and the written form are binding for the confirmation.
- Written confirmations require a written counter-confirmation, otherwise the reservation cannot be maintained.
- Services
- The landlord is obliged to keep the rooms reserved by the guest available and to provide the agreed services.
- The guest is obliged to pay the prices agreed for the room provided and the services he has used.
- Resignation of the guest
- Cancellation by the guest of the contract concluded with the hotel requires the consent of the hotel.
- In the event that the room is not used, the hotel is obliged to rent the room to someone else as soon as possible and to offset the resulting proceeds against the compensation amount.
- If the room cannot be rented to someone else, an empty bed allowance of 80% of the room price will be charged.
- Resignation of the hotel
- The hotel is obliged to pay compensation to the guest if the room promised by him cannot be made available for the agreed time and an equivalent replacement cannot be made available or obtained.
- The hotel is entitled to extraordinarily withdraw for an objectively justified reason.
- Room provision
- The booked room is available from 2 p.m. on the day of arrival.
- The room must be vacated by 11 a.m. on the day of departure.
- The hotel can charge 50% of the room price until 6:00 p.m. and 100% of the room rate from 6:00 p.m. onwards.
- Hotel liability
- The hotel is liable for damages that are based on breaches of the typical contractual obligations of the hotel, regardless of whether they are due to negligence or intent. Should disruptions or deficiencies in the hotel’s services occur, the hotel will endeavor to remedy the situation if it becomes aware of it or if it is notified immediately. The customer is obliged to do what is reasonable for him to remedy the disruption and to keep possible damage to a minimum.
- The hotel is liable for items brought in according to the statutory provisions. The hotel recommends keeping money, securities and valuables in the hotel safe.
- The hotel is not liable for damage and theft from vehicles that have been parked in the garage rented by the hotel (Boysenstrasse 2).